Marketing Snacks Newsletter: satisfy your craving for better marketing results.

A monthly curation of marketing resources to help you and your team rock awareness, authority and sales. Bite-sized treats arrive the second Thursday of the month. Notice of upcoming events or offers sprinkled in.

Subscribe and get my "5 Things Small Marketing Teams Forget To Do For Their Website" guide instantly.

four gummy bear candies stacked

I never leave my readership hangry. View recent issues.

Alli headshot

“Alison's newsletter is one of the only one marketing ones I read on a regular basis. It even has coveted status in my regular inbox tab, not my promotions (aka lonely, dusty desert) tab. It's always got something I can use as a small, many hats marketer working without massive budgets or endless amounts of time. It's always got something I didn't know that is USEFUL, not random facts I can't put into action. And, well, frankly, she is hilarious. There are fart jokes and treat bribes in equal measure, and that kind of lol content is sorely missing from those 'other' marketing newsletter out there. A joy to read, useful and tangible. Plus treats! ”

- Ali Breen, Career Coach and Comms Mngr at Challenge Factory

Stacey headshot

“Honestly, I adore the content, but the frequency and format consistency plays a huge role in keeping me subscribed. Notable Number/Marketing Snacks is the email list I've been subscribed to for the longest (we're talking years) and I've never once considered unsubscribing. Your content is fresh -- like not the same shit everyone else is sending -- ,digestible, helpful, and arrives at a perfectly consistent frequency.”

- Stacy Fredericks, Waypoint Creative Service

"The digestible, bite-sized content is worth subscribing for. There's always something worth noting.”

- Melinda,

Crystal headshot

“Marketing Snacks is one of the few newsletters I'll snooze for the weekend when I have time to go through all the informative links and resources it provides. Along with up-to-date info on marketing, it also helped me find the perfect lo-fi channel to listen to while I work and helped me make better choices for SEO for my own websites with her detailed blog posts.”

- Crystal Picard, Content Manager

Jennifer headshot

“I don't let many newsletters into my precious inbox but Alison's emails are always welcome. I can count on Alison for full of clickable value and snackable insights!”

- Jennifer, Prairie Telegraph Digital Marketing

Caitlyn headshot

“I'm pretty reserved when it comes to what newsletters hit my inbox - no one needs more emails, however, this one consistently makes the cut. The tips, metrics and insights are extremely valuable and often shared among our entire team. Alison does a brilliant job of getting to the point, while infusing humour and keeping me educated at the same time - it's fantastic.” 

- Caitlin Patterson, Director of Marketing & Communications, Digital Nova Scotia

"Great newsletter. I read through each section and thought - hmm, yes I need to look into that - don't have time for it now though. As I got to the bottom I thought this newsletter is like an agenda for a productive one day workshop. I find if I don't carve out the time to focus on this stuff in a dedicated way, I never get around to it.”

- Dianna Rievaj, Highlander Law Group

Kim headshot

“Marketing Snacks is a fast, fun read, that ALWAYS gives me a few pearls of wisdom. This is a newsletter I open 100% of the time!”

- Kim Scaravelli, Content Strategist, Trust Communications Inc.

“This newsletter is always IMMENSELY helpful in addition to being so much fun to read. THANK YOU. This particular edition really got me – every single section addressed something that’s on my mind – but I feel this consistently about your newsletters.”

- Megan Pollock, Marketing & Communications Manager, Special Olympics British Columbia

"I tend to open your newsletters over others, since #1 you don't bombard me with emails and #2, I like your vibe.  ;)”

- Nicole Gallant, Smart Cat Marketing

Frank headshot

“Alison K is a force of nature. She has the ability to immediately critique and refocus what an individual needs to make the best of their business. I have not met her equal in drive and knowledge as a consultant.” 

- Frank Orlando, Owner/Orlando Media Co.

"I really appreciate how I can open Marketing Snacks and find a fast, digestible bite that doesn't send me down a rabbit hole and helps me do or understand that-one-thing a bit better.”

Kim Todd, Guide to the Good

Jenna headshot

“I've subscribed to many, MANY marketing and business newsletters over the years. Almost every one of them has caused me to hit 'unsubscribe' within a few months - but not Alison's. Not only are her emails concise & filled with useful info, but also FUNNY! I honestly smile each time I see her name in my inbox. ”

- Jenna Morton, Pickle Planet Moncton

Paully headshot

“I'm continuously learning new ways to improve my marketing and seo from the amazing articles shared!”

- Paully D, 2819 Main

“As an email marketing specialist, I’m pretty picky about what newsletters I subscribe to but I’m always left tickled pink with Alison K’s incredible insights and how she delivers it. It’s a must have.” 

- Mike Tanner,

“I love the diversity of information Alison sends out. Its great to be able to have snippets to add to my collection of information and processes for my on-line presence. I am a self employed artist with some social media accounts, and a website.” 

- Karen Phillips Curran, Riverstones Studio in Bear River Nova Scotia
